Product: Cleanroom wall ducts

Intelligent solution for single-use hoses

A particular challenge in routing hoses for single-use systems is their passage through cleanroom walls. It must be ensured that the different pressure levels of the respective cleanroom classes are maintained.

ZETA has developed an intelligent solution for this with the "Mouseholes". These wall bushings consist of a flush stainless steel panel with welded-in stainless steel tubes that allow the hoses to pass through with SU connectors installed.

Requirements of aseptic process control

Sealing is achieved by installing PTFE half-shells on both sides, which are fixed with TC clamps. This ensures that all the requirements of aseptic process control are met. If a feedthrough is not required, it can be sealed with a supplied blanking plug. Color coding of the plastic parts for different tube sizes simplifies handling.

Benefits of the ZETA mouseholes:

  • Increased safety when routing single-use tubing
  • Easy installation and user-friendliness
  • Pressure stability


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Contact Kurt Knauder - Dir. Business Line Products & Components.
Contact: Kurt Knauder
Dir. Business Line Products & Components

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