White Paper: Digital Tools & Smart Maintenance

21. April 2021 by Andreas Pompenig Digitalization, Feature article, Lifecycle Management

Digital solutions for efficicent maintenance in industry

Efficient, holistic digitization concepts make a decisive contribution to optimizing the value creation process of companies. The pharmaceutical industry is also increasingly recognizing the importance of adapted and effective maintenance to the value chain.

Optimal maintenance ensures consistent product quality and minimal downtime at the lowest possible cost. Expert systems and special digital tools make a valuable contribution to the smooth operation of process systems and to the support of the maintenance process.

The digital twin forms the database

The digital twin of the system forms the database for such intelligent tools. This is a virtual image generated by integrated digital engineering. The Smart Maintenance Navigator (SMN) is a clear example of this principle: Its service on mobile devices such as tablets, smart phones or wearables ensures the sustainable optimization of the maintenance process. The maintenance-relevant data from the system planning are made usable and made available to the user in the context of his work tasks.

Contact Martin Mayer - Director Business Line Digital Solutions

As an expert partner for digitalization, ZETA supports its customers with the Smart Maintenance Navigator for cost-effective and efficient maintenance. And this support does not stop at the successful commissioning of a plant, but goes far beyond.

Ansprechpartner: Martin Mayer
Director Business Line


Whitepaper Download

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