White Paper: The Critical Role of Predictive Bioreactor Characterization in Pharmaceutical Process-based Upscaling

02. May 2022 by Andreas Pompenig Biotech, Feature article, Process Expertise, Products, Project Expertise

New scaling strategies are developed

Bioreactor characterization plays a central role in process-based upscaling. New scaling strategies are developed based on standard scaling procedures and a growing database of measured process parameters.

Bioreactors used for industrial upstream processing

In bioreactors, microorganisms or cell cultures produce complex therapeutic proteins and other biopharmaceuticals. To achieve the optimum conditions, the design of the bioreactor and a sophisticated selection of parameters within the fermentation process is crucial. The goal in the design of the bioreactors used for industrial upstream processing is to maintain similar process conditions to those which apply on a small scale during product development and validation.

This raises the question:

“To what extent is the replication of the environmental conditions of a small-scale lab reactor applicable to that of a large-scale bioreactor of 20,000 liters or more?”

Find out more about this crucial question in ZETAs most recent white paper about bioreactor characterization!

Florian Krainer | Deputy Corporate Head of Project Development

Thorough bioreactor characterization leads to insights beneficial for scaling and makes it easier to prove regulatory requirements.

Contact: Florian Krainer
Portfolio Manager Business Line Customized Systems


Whitepaper Download

Florian Krainer | Deputy Corporate Head of Project Development
Contact: Florian Krainer
Portfolio Manager Business Line Customized Systems

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